java vs python reddit

Am I missing out on something here or do other people feel the same? Java vs Python vs Pyth [14 characters]: _"Hello World! Later, when you have learned some programming I recommend learning more languages. Python abstracts core concepts from how programs work and … It is dynamically linked, allowing new code to be downloaded and run, but not dynamically typed. But even that's not insurmountable. Naming methods? It is usually hard to go to languages like Java after doing Python whereas the leap from Java to Python is rather comfortable. The sheer verbosity of Java was maddening, and the naming conventions made it very difficult to tell which parts were refering to what. I can say having learned Java first, Python seemed dirty when I went to learn it a few years later. The choice depends on your project requirement and scope. Python and Java are both object-oriented languages, but Java uses static types, while Python is dynamic. When you see stuff like tensorflow with python libs underneath that python is 100x more C++. It can't do heavy lifting on its own without crumbling under it's very poor performance. This means names in code are bound to strongly typed objects at runtime. We can’t tell you which language to choose, but rest assured that both languages will be relevant for years to come. "There are only two kinds of languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses." I like to write in a sloppy format while running on my stream of thoughts and tidy up later. Perhaps it was just because I started with Java but I feel far more comfortable using a statically typed language over Python. I always forget about it and it complains at runtime. I think Java is a better option compared to python. If you’re building a small application by yourself, PHP has three simple advantages. Java is a compiled language whereas Python is an interpreted language. JavaScript is a scripting language. Java is better for larger things (let's say over 10k lines of code), easier to comprehend and maintain. Also DI frameworks such as Spring are fantastic. Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/java. The biggest difference between the two languages is that Java is a statically typed and Python is a dynamically typed. i’m also majoring in … Most important is to just pick one and get started. » Uninstall About Java If you want to develop server applications then Java is probably better than python. I like the python community better, but I agree Java has very robust support. While it’s not impossible to overcome bad first impressions and subpar interviews, it’s extremely difficult. There are lots of modules available that are interesting to experiment with. Lastly, I'd say the ability to read Java translates better to other languages than Python does to other languages because of the use of symbols to define scope and line termination. Pyth doesn't care. Just like RoR is "dying", malongside Python. Java is an object-oriented language with a C/C++-like syntax that is familiar to many programmers. But I really like the confidence students have when they learn in python first. It’s also in the midst of a revolution as its open source nature is paving the way for a slew of new tools to improve it.Java has plenty to offer as open source as well as it deals with performance issues more resolutely. Python has terrible performance. You can get a great job with it. The syntax is easy so you can focus on understanding the basic programming concepts and learn about other CS topics to give you the bigger picture. - Bjarne Stroustrup (inventor of c++). Python: It has its routes set way before Java, Python was thought up in the late 1980s by Guido Van Rossum in the Netherlands as an heir to ABC language. Either should be fine. But after a year or so, start learning Java. Forcing everyone to document the types (which static typing does) is way better for working on multiperson projects. Java+You, Download Today!. The following would be a drawn comparison between the two and the comparison would be on the following factors- It's the kind of answer that one would find on StackOverflow or something The Sphinx would say. Ultimately, Students still need languages like java, c, and c++ simply because they teach different things well. The whole idea of mapping and reducing is covered in Java streams. If there is no native implementation of your code, it will be slow. One of the heated debates of these times is that which programming language is superior Java or Python. It doesn’t guarantee if one of the languages will be faster than the other. Good on you. Being two different programming languages, Java and Python can be useful tools for modern developers for developing applications. 0 . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. learn python first up until OOP, then switch to C. If your looking to work in industry with servers go with Java, its the language of business. This difference makes significant changes in the advantages and disadvantages of using each language. Python is a scripting language. Python can be written closer to how a human thinks. YMMV. From this Infographic, you can easily see that Java is very verbose than Python.It takes 10 lines of code to read from a file in Java, while it only takes 2 lines of code in Python. And I don't want to write C ever again. Static type code is much easier to understand when your project grows (at least for me). I agree with learn both. Pyth just keeps on trucking. Won't hurt knowing both. Learn both. Java vs. C# vs. Degree required it.My second was C#, published a game using it. A java developer must also stay updated and explore the latest trends in java technology. The Java ecosystem is far more mature and comprehensive. Personally I think type safety, abstraction, polymorphism, and inheritance are vastly superior. But by then you will be in a different situation and have to decide then which language feels best to learn. If you think that is a good way of learning I recommend starting with Python to learn some programming. Also, just in terms of future job possibilities and the use of Python in the industry I would assume that Java or even C / C++ would be more likely to propagate throughout the future just because of the speed? Press J to jump to the feed. How hard is it really to provide a wrapper that takes input, for real.. level 2 Just wondering which language seems to offer the most bang for buck in terms of learning your first programming language. Do whatever you feel like. Java is one of the best programming languages. Python is quickly becoming the most widely used language but it's mostly in the data science, AI, and machine learning sphere. Why is that? Having said this, once you understand the algorithm, you do have to translate it into a specific syntax, and if this syntax is inconsistent or complicated, the process becomes that much harder. Python is a good choice for beginners as the language is more intuitive and its syntax is similar to the English language. Big hammer and small … First of all, indentation is a pain in the ass. Leaves as many questions after reading as before. I would pick Java, because it will be easier to transition to C# should you chose to. Java requires a lot of boilerplate code to get anything working, and that can be daunting and distracting to an absolute newbie. Python is better for small, simple things or for some specific fields like machine learning. There's no right answer, try the sidebar. 59 minutes ago. It runs well on Windows (native or WSL), OS X, and Linux, and can be found on a variety of shared hosting sites around the world, usually for a minimal fee. But who in their god damned mind decided full lower case multiple words be in their official libraries? And you'll be able to pick up Python no problem. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the learnprogramming community. I believe other Python runtimes like pypy perform better because they don't have a GIL and use a JIT. It's very verbose.Between first job and job now, I learned JavaScript. Maybe you have need for a new language for school or a job etc. CONCLUSION (Java Vs Python): Which one is best for whom If you are a beginner and have a very little or no experience in a programming language, with no doubt Python is a better option for you. CPython suffers from the Global Interpreter Lock, which dramatically decreases its threaded performance. I hear from various sources online that Java seems to be on the way out and Python on the way in but I don't know if that's actually the case? I'm 6 months into "learning programming", and Python is the best to learn especially if you're like me and have zero knowledge of CS in general. But if you start with Python, then moving to C#/Java will be harder. I know the basic fundamentals of both but im stuck on which one i want to commit to. Having said that, I agree that Java is generally the better language for large projects. Java does a better job of writing itself. The modern embarrassment of riches mixed up the ideas and brought a new one: you can use anything you want - … NO programming help, NO learning Java related questions, NO installing or downloading Java questions, NO JVM languages - Exclusively Java! On the other hand, Python is simple and short, doesn’t need a semicolon to represent the end of the line, data types declaration is dynamic here, and it doesn’t require in-depth coding knowledge as it is easy for anyone to learn. Python 3.5 introduced type hinting, would make it easier out of the box for multi-person projects. White space is terrible for blocking code. I'd recommend Python, but that's just my opinion., Both languages are good for web development. Python, on the other hand, I was able to come to grips with pretty quickly. Learn both. Pyth just interprets _ as reversal. Python maybe has a minor advantage over Java as a first language simply because there's a lower barrier to entry. Java - A concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, language specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. If getting a job in the industry is your concern then Java is the one you should pick. If you want fast money learn JavaScript/CSS/HTML 5. One last important thing: a language is a thing, but it's ecosystem is as much if not more important. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Or am I just over exaggerating how important the speed of the application actually is? Java is good enough, and allows rapid development. Press J to jump to the feed. Why name booleans, True and False? Big hammer and small hammer, pick the one best suited for the task at hand. Bad news. Didn't feel like C++ at all.My third was Objective-C, got a job with it, was scared by it. My first was MATLAB. Let’s face it, interviews are one of the most important parts of landing a job in technology. A number of universities, however, have switched to Python from Java, and others offer both — Java for computer science students and Python to teach programming skills for noncomputer science majors. As a beginner, I have to say I've always hated this type of answer; the "let me offer you some advice, which will not help you one bit at all" type of answer. Second why do I have to add : after if, elif, else, while, try, ... if indentation is the block formatting. The difference comes down to the fact that Python is a dynamically typed language while Java is a statically typed language. A Brief Introduction to Python. Comparing Java and Python is like comparing earth-moving machinery and sports car. Spring alone is a huge argument for Java. Or even more better, look at what hugthemachines has to say. But I have to admit I'm the first to read this kind of articles haha! They tend to be verbose and marginally slower to read for me. When you are learning how command-line input works, for example, I really want you to understand that all input first implies some kind of output, that input is normally a function that returns a result, and that the response of an input is normally stored in a variable. Java vs Python. (At least, as they were presented to me; I've since come to realize my teacher has some weird quirks.). Python is strongly but dynamically typed. For me C/C++ are just tedious and everything takes sooo many steps. Trent Fowler. Most important is to just pick one and get started. Like Python and Java, C++ is a fast, efficient, object-oriented language with a wide variety of use cases. It's 99% of the time a clickbait just showing you what proportion of public github repos use which language or a survey on how many dev say they live this or that language. This is the main difference between the topic’s languages. Plus there always Jython so you can run it on the JVM (although I don't think that has python 3.x support). However, it is also a difficult language for beginners to pick up as compared to Python and C#. However you may as well pick a language that fits your goals, so see this chart which I recently updated: Installation is a breeze. Speed: Java Is Faster Than Python. If you try one and you like it, don't bother with the other. Enterprise applications are still widely using Java. Head to Head Comparison Between Java and Python (Infographics) Below is The Top 9 Comparison Between Java vs Python: Before learning any programming … If you’re on OS X, there’s an existing system version of Python that came installed on your computer. It entirely depends on what you want to develop, that's why so many people know multiple languages. Java brings all types of responsibilities for you. I've never seen Python used for anything in enterprise except its intended purpose: scripting. Truth be told if you wanna be a rockstar badass cutting edge dev learn C and C++ really well. As a result, you can make a good career in java but you have to work with the trend. I think Python is easier to read, but it's lack of static typing is the thing that keeps me from looking for seriously into it. Python is the older of the two languages, first released in 1991 by its inventor, Guido van Rossum. It's also not super for collaboration compared to OOP languages. So it mostly depends on what you want to do. this is true, its the general concepts of programming that you can carry over from language to language, i found. For example: In Java to read a file you need to use 8 keywords, 1 library and 2 methods. I didn't feel like it was a very "fundamental software engineering" language though.I'm trying to learn fundamental CS so I can go to graduate school in a couple of years: friend who works in research said, "Suck it up and learn C. Almost every language you learn now, has its roots from C. Learn C."So I'm learning C.For you, I would say learn Java or C+/+. I've taught with both in freshman CS courses (alongside a number of other languages.) Star Wars vs. Star Trek. Fun, functional, nothing like Java at all. In Python we only use open() built-in function. Python maybe has a minor advantage over Java as a first language simply because there's a lower barrier to entry. Python vs Java: Dynamic typing vs static typing. I hear from various sources online that Java seems to be on the way out and Python on the way in but I don't know if that's actually the case? Beginners often worry what language to learn first, but you can pick any modern popular language and get started. JavaScript vs Python — About the languages. Java requires a lot of boilerplate code to get anything working, and that can be daunting and distracting to an absolute newbie. Java runs significantly faster. One of the biggest differences between Python and Java is the way that each language handles variables. Aug 14, 2019. 1) Structure: Source: Differences Between Python and JavaScript Python is an interpreted high-level programming language with dynamic semantics and object-oriented programming designed to be easy to read and implement. But when you want students to understand basic concepts, a language that gets out of the way is advantageous. He was later known to be as the creator of the high-level programming language called Python and in the year 1991, it was released. Another thing everyone talks about is dynamically typed vs. statically typed. Java is frequently used in high school advanced courses, so the transition to Java in college is a natural one for students. if you want to work with data and are looking to do a lot of data processing then learn Python, its the language of Science. Swift vs. Python vs. Ruby vs. JavaScript vs. PHP. Coke vs. Pepsi. In other words, it makes things easier for users by automating website and app processes. Python uses dynamic typing which allows users to change the variable type. Java is better for larger things (let's say over 10k lines of code), easier to comprehend and maintain. Pyth just implicitly prints the output. Yes, it doesn't have a closing quotation. Documentation is sloppy, as hell. Java Download » What is Java? The same example in Java is much more obtuse: The Java version is arguably better in a number of ways. Python is just gluing it together and making an easy to use api. See, they're helpful, and now you can too be. This is more personal preference. The most common way of learning is to start with easy things and then move on to harder things. For example, look what LegionSB said below. Java vs. Python. lol, Java has "been on the way out" since forever. Python vs. Java for Interviews. Python is used in small companies/startups for web dev or in research field combined with C and C++ written programs. Python's use of words, carriage returns, and spaces feels similar to languages like Basic and Pascal. Personally I think Java and C# are a great balance between performance and speed of development. Python - A clear and powerful object-oriented programming language, comparable to Perl, Ruby, Scheme, or Java. There is tutorial and library for everything even more so than python. Anyway, learning a language is nowadays a first step, knowing its ecosystem is the second natural coming step (don't have to know everything though, just select what you need.). Python might have a lower entry, but it'll be a lot harder to go from Python -> Java/C++ than it would be to go the other way around. Python is popular for scripting and tooling. As Java is one of the oldest languages, it comes with a great number of libraries and tools for ML and data science. It really isn't. I can't imagine, due to how heavily used Java is, that it is going anywhere anytime soon. If Python is a go kart, Java is a manual transmission car; they have different roles to fill and have different levels of function, Until your project is of any appreciable size. Each developing language was created to brighten a specific domain, shining through the industry itself. But even that's not insurmountable. While some people have mentioned static typing as being an advantage for Java, this isn't really the case. The following content will help you conclude and decide which one is a better option and why. All it takes is a little desire to simply want to help someone who is asking those who know more for than they do. This point goes towards Python because beginner programmer definitely likes to write less code. How about sloppy ass coercion to booleans? But what is python for? 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