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64). In a subtractive world, "reality is greatly simplified" and "large portions of human experience [are left out]" (ibid.) An excellent example of primary world fantasy is Ellis Kaut's Meister Eder und sein Pumuckl, as the entire story is set in contemporary Munich, the only fantastic element being Pumuckl, the little goblin, who accidentally gets caught on very real glue and must, from then on, be visible to Meister Eder. One could therefore say that the Muggle world is a primary world against whose background the wizarding world is set off as a secondary world. Zahorski and Boyer have distinguished between "high fantasy " and "low fantasy", high fantasy meaning secondary world fantasy while low fantasy stands for texts where the fantastic irrupts in the shape of non-rational phenomena or creatures into a primary world (56). … Diagon Alley, where wizard supplies from wands and books such as A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration to potion ingredients and racing broomsticks can be acquired, and its dark counterpart, Knockturn Alley, whose shops are specialised in the dark arts, are also situated in London. Anknüpfend an Rosemary Jackson's Theory vom Fantastischen als Subversion, untersuche ich, ob Rowlings Zauberwelt tatsächlich subversives Potential besitzt. (Yes, there were … By using actual places as settings, the text makes "an implicit claim of equivalence between the represented fictional world and the real world outside the text" (Jackson 34). Joanne Rowling, or known more with her pen name J.K. Rowling, received the OBE (Order of … Although high and low are not used evaluatively, those words involuntarily imply a hierarchy, and I cannot see any reason why they were chosen. From Kingscross station, the Hogwarts express travels several miles north, and although there is no such statement in the text, Rowling has said in interviews that "in [her] imagination, Hogwarts is set in the north of Scotland " (qtd. Although fictional characters have long dominated the reception of literature, films, television programs, comics, and other media products, only recently have they begun to attract their due attention in literary and media theory. She points out that both impulses can be at work in the same text, that is, they are not exclusive of each other. ), is "mad about everything to do with Muggles" (ibid.). Curiously, while several plot elements are reminiscent of modern technology, Hogwarts students themselves neither have access to the internet, nor do they send e-mails or carry mobile phones. In the Harry Potter world, squibs are rarer than wizards and witches who are born to Muggle parents. Is the wizarding world more open to otherness than the Muggle world seems to be? A downpour of shooting stars is reported on the news to have been observed by "viewers as far apart as Kent, Yorkshire and Dundee" (HPPS 12). The laws of cause and effect might be reversed. and writes, as do all authors, from her human imagination and experience" (59). Until recently, science fiction creators had to imagine alien planets, without knowing that much about real-life exoplanets. ), which are applied to keep up secrecy and seclusion. Harry's encounters with absolute evil (...) are already familiar to most children from dungeons and dragons-type computer games." They have no objection to her getting the Daily Prophet delivered to Southern France where they spend their summer holidays so she can "keep up with what's going on in the wizarding world" (HPPA 17). The creation of worlds altogether different from the one we know has often been associated with fantasy literature. The main feature that makes them out as different is that the wizarding world - we are dealing with a telling name here - is governed by the principle of magic whereas the Muggle world is characterized essentially by the absence of magic. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is one of the best-selling books with more than 120 million sales to date. The drawback of this subtractive technique is that her primary world only superficially comments on "Muggle" reality outside the text. Although fiction generally implies a step away from reality, "plausible stories set in times past or present, which use invented characters in real or imagined situations, (...) for all that they describe something which did not actually happen" (Hume 22), are not fantasy. This has worked to the series' benefit, as it is able to appeal to both fantasy fans and non-fans alike, widening its appeal and helping it become one of the most successful series in television history . Although those secondary worlds have no direct relationship to any primary world, they do not exist in a vacuum. I will give an idea of what constitutes a fantasy world and present several definitions of ""fantasy"" or ""the fantastic"". By no means a mimetic representation of the world as we know it, it is what Hume would call a "subtractive world" (Hume 83pp), a literary device in fantasy literature that is frequently applied when "contrastive worlds" (ibid.) Perhaps the most famous fictional world… in Schafer 116), a region that Schafer thinks represents the mystical and wild aspects of Britain's nature (120). While I was studying for my exams last spring, people around me, from my youngest cousin to my granny, started reading and talking about Harry Potter. Sidney Sheldon was a man of many talents. At first, I will establish a theoretical ba… Zunächst gebe ich einen sehr kurzen theoretischen Überblick über Fantasy-Literatur im Allgemeinen und und stelle verschiedene Definitionen des Fantastischen vor. Geographically, both Muggles and wizards inhabit the same territory simultaneously, at least to a certain extent. The word squib first entered English in the 16th century, and one of its earliest meanings was "a firecracker." Go nuts. The Dursleys - Harry's relatives he grows up with - live in Surrey (HPPS 42), Hagrid flies Sirius Black's motorbike over Bristol (HPPS 22) and the Knight Bus[9] travels through Wales (HPGF). This relationship between the fantastic and supposed insanity is characteristic of primary world fantasy: E.T.A. (Hoffmann, Nachwort 139), [6] The emphasis on "ordinariness" and "normality" in the Muggle world will be discussed in greater depth in a later chapter. The primary world narrative frequently provides a frame for the secondary world narrative. Ron Weasley is neither able to use a "fellytone" (HPPA 463) nor to pronounce the word properly. Although I am not sure whether two writers as different as J.K. Rowling and Jeanette Winterson can be compared[13], I felt reminded of Winterson's representation of Venice in The Passion (49). Definitions of fantasy and the fantastic have varied considerably throughout the twentieth century, yet what strikes me as remarkable is that most of them correspond in one point: they all emphasise a relationship between fantasy or the fantastic on the one hand, and reality, possibility or fact on the other hand. This is even more astonishing as Mr Weasley, who works for the Ministry of Magic in the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office (ibid. University of Central Arkansas. Lewis in his Narnia books as well as by Lewis Carroll in Alice's Adventures In Wonderland. in order to highlight certain features of interest. Looking for inspiration from some of the most-loved and most famous worlds can help. With the summer travel season in high-gear, we've put together a list of the 14 most spectacular fantasy worlds from literature, film and video games we'd most want to visit. While the Dursleys incessantly discriminate against Harry because of his association with the wizarding world, the Grangers obviously respect their daughter's "otherness" and are supportive of her (cp. It can also "[exist] simultaneously and in the same place but [occupy] different dimensions" (ibid. W.R. Irwin speaks of an "overt violation of what is generally expected as possibility " (qtd. In various ways, it "enters into a dialogue with the 'real' " (Jackson 36). Our world seems pretty boring and there's nothing to do in it. Fictional worlds can be from any media ie: books,tv, movies, film, comics, etc. Within a text, the primary world is a recognizable (but not necessarily mimetic) representation of reality[1] whereas a secondary world is a completely imagined alternative world that must have "the inner consistency of reality" (140) yet does not have to share its laws. Schafer 53). At first, I will establish a theoretical background, dealing with fantasy literature in general. (HPCS 219). In the following, I would like to imagine myself as a cartographer, entering J.K. Rowling's fictional worlds in order to answer the first two questions: Where are those worlds located, and what do they look like? On the contrary, they work by insisting upon their own similarity with those maps. Colin Manlove speaks of a "quasi-English idyll" (Manlove 55). This is certainly true of the Harry Potter books. Don't stop and don't be scared you'll crash into it, that's very important. One well-known example is Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings", which is set in Middle Earth, a world consisting of landscapes not entirely unlike those we know[2], yet with a distinctive history, mythologies and even languages of its own, inhabited by human beings, but also hobbits, elves, dwarfs, dragons, trolls and other fantastic creatures. Moreover, the laws of physics and nature as we have come to know them are suspended as soon as the fantastic enters a text. Hoffmann's Kunstmärchen Der Goldene Topf, for instance, are set in his contemporary Dresden. The Wizarding World. London is an important cultural centre from the wizard point of view as well. Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created: Our Top 10 . The fictional universe of British author J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series of fantasy novels comprises two distinct societies: the Wizarding World and the Muggle world. Among the following entries, you'll find an … The Muggle world is largely (pun intended! Some authors have chosen to omit a primary world, "introducing their readers to their remote secondary world from the outset" (Zahorski and Boyer 57). Maybe this close association with new and exciting media is one of the fascinations many people feel about the novels. [9] A means of public transportation for witches and wizards who are stranded in the Muggle world. The terms primary world and secondary world will be introduced. The moving pictures at Hogwarts have been compared by Schafer to java movement in internet images (185). Die zentrale Frage ist, wie mit Anderssein in der Zauberwelt umgegangen wird. It is thus an appropriate backdrop for one of the centres of an alternative culture that superficially resists the alleged dullness and listlessness of Muggle life. "one of the most fascinating aspects of the relationship of secondary to primary worlds is the nature and variety of portals, and portal-like agents" (64). Jordan Reynolds. In this … The fact that they "are a little outside the village" (HPCS 38) indicates that they are outsiders, a notion that is intensified when the reader is told that "the Muggle postman has never delivered to [their] house and [Mrs Weasley is] not sure he even knows where it is" (HPGF 32). It’s an art, and in genres such as Fantasy or Science Fiction, worldbuilding is more important than ever and can make or break your story. Our familiar concepts of identity are no longer reliable, as physical continuity is no longer ensured (Loder): metamorphosis and shape-shifting are staples of fantasy literature. On the contrary, the reader gets the impression of Diagon Alley being just a backstreet to an ordinary London street, as Harry, when he is in his room in the Leaky Cauldron, "[can] hear the buses rolling by in the unseen Muggle street behind him, and the sound of the invisible crowd below in Diagon Alley." Like numerous fantasy worlds, J.K. Rowlings "wizarding world" functions by magic as its governing principle. Harry is thoroughly unhappy when he imagines himself abandoned by them (HPCS 21 ) or when their mutual friendship is endangered by rows and/or misunderstandings (HPGF). Students write with quills on parchment instead of using pens, not to mention PCs. 'Them!" It remains equally unmentioned whether the Weasley children ever went to a Muggle school before entering Hogwarts. According to his research, the hero of Scottish fantasy is often an individual in conflict with society or isolated from it in some way. Eric S. Rabkin defines the fantastic as "a direct reversal of the ground rules [of a narrative world] in part determined by those ground rules" (14-15). However, we would never think of classifying Emma as fantasy. There really isn’t! The book systematically surveys today´s diverse and at times conflicting theoretical perspectives on fictional character. Let us hear the rags to riches story of the world’s first Billionaire writer; J. K. Rowling. Other topographical details his contemporary readers would have been familiar with include the Elbbrücke and Conradis Konditorei in the Schlossgasse. portal and s.v. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone . It is clearly implied that both worlds are set in Britain. The Muggle world, although not exactly "realistic", clearly functions as a representation of everyday reality where people have to "muggle" through without magical solutions, go to work, live ordinary lives[6] and take certain natural laws - that "owls normally hunt at night" (HPPS 12) or that rain is more probable during the day than a downpour of shooting stars (HPPS 13) - for granted. "If a Muggle looks at it, all they see is a mouldering old ruin with a sign over the entrance saying DANGER, DO NOT ENTER, UNSAFE." (HPPS 144-145). The Dursleys drive up to London to buy Dudley's school uniform (HPPS 40) and Aunt Marge sends a postcard from the Isle of Wight (HPPS 42).[10]. This is one of countless "Muggle-Repelling charms" (ibid. Ie: You don’t need to nominate a specific planet in Star … You will have the knowledge of what you have now when you get transported to that world. - Completely free - with ISBN [10] For actual places in the Harry Potter books compare also Schafer 117-124. Then there were doors that wouldn't open unless you asked politely or tickled them in exactly the right place, and doors that weren't really doors at all, but solid walls just pretending. If we define someone’s influence as how much they can shape people’s thoughts and goals, Adam Grant says J.K. Rowling is in a league of her own. Such are the new, harsh rules of the game. But mind you, you cannot simply enter the station and walk up to the platform! An influential study of modern fantasy that simply cannot remain unmentioned has been Todorov's The Fantastic : A Structural Approach To A Literary Genre. Find peace in something positive. Thanks to her “Harry Potter” books, millions of young readers have been trained in … Even though the rest of humanity isn’t as affected by the aliens invading as England is, it’s still horrifying when you think about it. The secret passage way in the Leaky Cauldron does not transport the characters to a distant otherworld. Tolkien, in his essay "On Fairy-Stories" has brought up the terms "primary world" (139) and "secondary world" (132). The second chapter is an attempt to define and locate the two worlds in the Harry Potter novels and to find out how they relate to one another. Whereas Muggle locations such as the London Underground are to a certain extent finite and can be compressed into a reliable map like that formed by Dumbledore's scar, Hogwarts is ever-changing, fluid and un-predictable. In fact, Harry had the most peculiar feeling that only he and Hagrid could see it." 1.2 Fantasy as a Response to Reality Dabei bezieht sich die Arbeit auf die bis zum Erscheinungsdatum der Arbeit veröffentlichten Bände 1-4. It also plays with the concept of perception that is often central to primary world fantasy. Hogsmeade, where Hogwarts students go on their day out, is "the only entirely non-Muggle settlement in Britain" (HPPA 87); outside of Hogsmeade, wizard families live in Muggle communities. - It only takes five minutes The core of my thesis are chapters 3-7. let it roll off … They usually differ from other, or one may say, ordinary people. Much like Muggle, the Potteresque squib shares space with an older squib, but unlike Muggle, Rowling's squib and the real-world squib are related. The game of quidditch could come straight from any video arcade, with scores rattling up on the side as broomstick riders swoop in search of the elusive Golden Snitch, avoiding the assaults of aggressive bludgers on the way. Whatever newspaper or magazine I happened to pick up, some journalist was bound to be marvelling at the universal success of the fastest-selling books in history that seemed to appeal to readers from all age groups. "The suspension of time, and the way that Harry and his friends can chart everyone's movements on their special Marauder's Map are both familiar devices from video games. Admit it, being a wizard would probably be the coolest thing you could ever be. To make the readers feel sympathetic, some common ground seems to be required. The text does not reveal whether the Weasleys ever come into contact with their Muggle neighbours although they do call Muggle cabs if necessary (HPGF 144). [14], "(...) English fantasy has a social bias. This will involve an examination of the educational and political system of the wizarding world. Yet none of these maps insist upon their radical difference from other maps as maps, only upon the radical difference between the worlds they depict and the real world. 1. What is interesting is that the ability to break through to that hidden world is tied up with "not being scared". The Success story of J K Rowling itself isn’t less than any fairy tale. 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