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We may propose, but should ever remember there is one that disposes of us, and of all things, according to His good pleasure.2. This is the return they make for the hospitality they have received. The "elect lady" alone knew the significance of the words "which we have wrought." Ministers, when people miscarry under their hands, they will miss of this, though not of their glory. EXPECT THE REWARD WHICH IS BEFORE YOU. However excellent religion is in theory, its theory is insufficient for your salvation. In theory it certainly may be so. Jesus said (John 17:3), “This is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.” Christianity at its heart is, knowing God personally through Jesus Christ, who revealed God to us. Let us learn the danger of erroneous principles in matters of religion.3. We are, in all things, dependent on God. Now secondly, for what also is expressed, that ministers are justly very tender of the frustrating of their labours. Christian friendship has the widest reach. Look to yourselves. Look to yourselves. The tendency which the omission has to subvert the principles omitted. ii., p. 195. JOHN, IN THE EXPECTATION OF AN INTERVIEW WITH HIS PIOUS FRIENDS, LOOKED FOR MUTUAL AND AMPLE JOY.1. I might here also further seasonably observe, that God will make use of ourselves in our passage to heaven. May it not be possible to identify yourself with an evil man as well as with a good, so that, though you may not yourself actually commit the evil man's deeds, yet you shall be reckoned with as though you had done the deeds? What is very painful in the conduct of the infidels, agnostics, and secularists of the day, is the effort they make to get young men together to their meetings.2. Sermon by The Rev. The wife of the late Rev. When we hear of reward we may not dream of merit. Unconverted men, look to yourselves. That is, he is reckoned by others to be in partnership with him. His work is an "evil work." If he be tempted to advance beyond the Saviour, the master-passion of love for Him will hold him back; or if he be tempted to linger behind, the love will draw him on. He finds himself surrounded with the grandeur and the ever-varying beauty of the material creation.1. (2) The answer of a too common experience; in fact it often is so.III. Secondly, the persons they work for, and that is the church and people of God (Ephesians 4:12). The relation which the points omitted have to the other facts and doctrines of the Christian system. Character is built on the great principles of the gospel, and our whole energy is required to complete it.2. Souls born again do. Time seemed to stand still. The second is of unworthy recession in apostacy or departure from it, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ. And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments. Some understand " from the beginning," to mean from the creation of humanity. But with such teaching no sympathy can be found in the Bible. That the principle admits of this application is but too clearly proved by our text. They have God indeed in the common relation of a Creator. Alexander, D. D.The words "doctrine of Christ" may signify either that doctrine which Christ taught when He was here on earth, or that doctrine of which Christ is the subject — the doctrine which sets forth the truth concerning Him. Secondly, hath them with him, by way of society and communion. "(3) Take the most vigorous measures against spiritual loss.(W. How can the weak and sinful come before the All-perfect? Remember Jesus Christ, our great Example, came not to study His own interest, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many.1. This view of Christian communion suggests the wisdom and the desirableness of those ordinances and arrangements that are designed to facilitate that communion.3. We see how mistaken many are in their view of religion as incapable of affording joy. (1) The wrought work of God. Sermon by the The Rev. Men may take pains in a thing of nought. There is a tendency at times to imagine that such matters are merely a question of temperament; that the vivacious man will be certain to go forward, and the languid man to hang back; and that neither can be held responsible for faults that arise from the peculiarities of their very natures. Now, examine more definitely the modes in which we may have share in other men's sins. It is a motto most men believe in. Can any man in a world like ours, with a mind like ours, and Satan's machinations ever against him, declare he is not in danger "of losing what he hath wrought"?III. There is nothing which is in any way desirable but it is to be found in this reward. And how much more does it then concern them to avoid it, and shun it all they can in such things as these are, which are of such weighty importance. "Men will praise thee when thou doest well to thyself." What is that? We will take notice of both. I could tremble at being told, "Every man shall bear his own burden" — at hearing, "So, then, every one of us shall give account of himself to God"; but I do not apprehend all the awfulness of appearing at the tribunal of the Most High till I ponder this assertion of St. John, "He that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds." First, take it denominatively as a description of heaven and the condition of glory to come, it is a full reward — it is that which will make sufficient recompense. Remember Jesus Christ, our great Example, came not to study His own interest, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many.1. Full reward hereafter.(T. The grand fundamental fact of Christianity is THE INCARNATION, the assumption by the Second Person of the Trinity of human nature into personal union with the Divine, the manifestation of God in the flesh of man. JOHN EXPRESSES HIS DEFERENCE TO AND RELIANCE ON THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE FOR THE ACCOMPLISHMENT OF HIS INTENDED VISIT.1. Will it be any palliation of your guilt, or diminution of your final misery, to be lost with the multitude? It did not consist so much in openly impugning the principles of the gospel as in "not confessing them." .... Wherewith shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before the high God?" 8.Self-inspectionT. )Doctrine and characterE. Thompson.). Selfishness — the looking to ourselves, keeping always in view what we think is for our own personal interest or advantage — is one of the surest signs of a worldly and unbelieving mind. Do you never, when you have given an opinion on points of difference between men of the world and disciples of Christ — do you never lean to the side of the world, because not honest enough to despise the risk of giving offence? The case is that of an author, who, having committed to writing licentious or sceptical thoughts, applies the vast power of the Press to the gaining for them currency through the world. There is not more deceitfulness and malice in Satan and his instruments than there is likewise naturally in our own hearts to yield and comply with them; therefore we had need to look to ourselves. There is many a jewel which is lost thus for want of due and proportionable care in him that has it. THE FIRST THING TO AVOID IS OVER-EAGERNESS. The cause of our justification before God is not in our own goodness, but if grace does not infuse its goodness into us, we are not Christians.III. Thirdly, add also hereunto the grievousness of the miscarriage. To profess this truth is both a duty and a privilege. M. H. Hopkins, B. Indeed it would seem that this is necessary not only for beings constituted and related as we are, but for every intelligent being. Scripture: John 2:1-11. Look to yourselves, that ye lose not those gracious principles which seemed to be planted in your hearts by the Holy Ghost (Hebrews 2:1; 1 Corinthians 15:1; 2 Corinthians 6:1).2. From this it follows that, as Christianity is offered to men as the only true religion, its teachers are shut up to the necessity of requiring the belief of the facts and truths upon which it is founded as the indispensable condition of a man's receiving the benefits of this religion or being recognised as a true professor of it. There he would expect to find that humbleness of mind, that holy walking, that devotedness of heart and life to God, and that active piety which so finely illustrate the gospel. False teaching is injurious to faith, especially the faith of young Christians. Thirdly, by mere carelessness and neglect. 9Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. Horton, D. D.The text itself consists of two general parts, a negative and an affirmative. He has taken our sins upon Him, and by His obedience unto death hath removed the obstacle which our sin placed in the way of our acceptance with the Father. A happy mother. To lose such a work as this is, the work of the ministry, this is no ordinary business, nor so to be accounted. Do you never let slip an opportunity of reproving vice, of recommending virtue? Its real meaning may be seen in the rendering of the Revised Version. Greeting - The elder to the elect lady and her children, whom I love in truth, and not only I, but also all who know the truth, because of the truth that abides in us and will be with us forever: Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us, from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Father's Son, in truth and love. What are you to examine? Consider the things that you wrought in former days. "They watch for your souls" (Hebrews 13:17). (2) Count the cost of a partial loss of it. Do not suppose it is all right with you, because you are comfortable and at ease, but suspect yourselves. First, "That ye love not," etc. Paul speaks (Galatians 6:3) of a man's character as being his "own work." We have thought seriously, felt deeply, prayed earnestly, resolved strenuously, chosen deliberately, wrestled manfully, persisted patiently. Clarkson, B. A.I. Lastly, they have not God, i.e., they have Him not in point of influence. How different is that religion from the robust Christianity that we see exemplified in the Apostle Paul! )Look to yourselves. There is no such thing as independence: all are needful, all are useful. Sermon; Advent 3B; John 1:6-8, 19-28. Spurgeon. He was but a simple, commonplace, pious old man. namely, of joy and rejoicing. Whatever can be looked for shall be enjoyed. The second is laid down in the affirmative, "He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son." The deceivers did not speak that spiritual language. What other loss will compare with this? 2 John 12 Ver. The only way not to partake in other men's sins is not to sin yourselves. Thompson.). )The law of self-restraintR. For one thing, the life of one who walks in the truth will be governed by Divine principles. The problems in the churches were caused by false teachers who had left the church (2:19). Look to yourselves. God out of Christ is an idol, as to any true adoration of Him, or religious service exhibited to Him. Christ is the sole remaining hope of the world. Those being the faults at either extreme against which the apostle warns us, THE CONCLUSION IS OBVIOUS, THAT THE BEST AND MOST PERFECT CHRISTIAN LIFE IS ONE IN WHICH BOTH ARE AVOIDED, AND THE PATH MIDWAY BETWEEN THE TWO IS TRODDEN. If the work of the ministry take not there is nothing hereafter to be expected. Walking shows that religion is not a speculation, a notion, a pretence, for we are not merely to walk, but we are to walk after His commandments — not after the course of this world — not according to the lusts of men — not according to the imagination of our hearts, but to walk after His commandments.(W. Hold the fort of truth, and defend the citadel of faith. The germs of religious truth will be perpetually unfolding themselves, expanding into new conceptions of the glory of God and of the spiritual privileges possible to man; and through all the future, one of the rewards of loyalty to Christ is to be that the loyal will be continually advancing in Christian thought, ever more completely knowing as they are known. While 1 John 2:6 is a small, short verse. Hold the fort of truth, and defend the citadel of faith. As a system of ethics, they say, the gospel is the best which has reached us from ancient times, but its miracles are legendary. Of how many shipwrecked souls might the same thing be said, "The pilot was asleep below. When these eggs have hatched, the larvae, which have two mandibles, devour the larvae of their hosts the bees. The body of revealed truth is not a dictionary, and when Christ teaches, He teaches free men, providing them not with endless minute rules which they must mechanically follow, but with great principles which they must use their own wits in interpreting and their own responsible skill in applying. H. (1) You have tremendous responsibilities. The banditti storm the dwelling, and if the tenant is able to show any resistance he is at liberty to do so; but the thief creeps in silently into the house, and while the inmates sleep peaceably he steals all their valuables.I. M. LOOK TO YOUR CREED, WHETHER IT BE SCRIPTURAL. Looking after our own interest; looking after Number One! There John expected to witness Christian order and decorum, reciprocal proofs of affection, and lovely demeanour. In the mansion you will see some old pictures of no great artistic value, and others of value but not of a modern style. H. Hopkins, B. A.As a small mistake in levelling an arrow at the hand makes a great difference at the mark, so a small mistake in the notion of truth makes a wide difference in the practice of the ungodly.(E. And that according to all these kind of influences which are to be desired, and those benefits which are of the greatest concernment. So is it with the Christian, who is called so to pass through the waves of this troublesome world. 2. (2) How pleasing to meet "face to face," and commune, in the apartments and confinements of trouble. What have you done for your soul? The grass and water supply was scarcely sufficient for all, and as a result there were frequent quarrels between their herdmen. There was an imminent danger lest the children might pick up their shibboleth. The "elect lady" alone knew the significance of the words "which we have wrought." "For he that giveth him greeting partaketh in his evil works." There John expected to witness Christian order and decorum, reciprocal proofs of affection, and lovely demeanour. The difference is that between open violence and stealth. )The law of self-restraintR. Davies, M. H. Hopkins, B. A.As a small mistake in levelling an arrow at the hand makes a great difference at the mark, so a small mistake in the notion of truth makes a wide difference in the practice of the ungodly.(E. There is not one of you whose actions do not operate on the actions of others — operate, we mean, in the way of example. IV. How different is that religion from the robust Christianity that we see exemplified in the Apostle Paul! If the work of the ministry take not there is nothing hereafter to be expected. There is a tendency at times to imagine that such matters are merely a question of temperament; that the vivacious man will be certain to go forward, and the languid man to hang back; and that neither can be held responsible for faults that arise from the peculiarities of their very natures. Take the best things of this life and they have an emptiness; they are not sufficient, there is a great deal wanting in them. Garibaldi never lost his courage on the field of battle, because he saw his mother on her knees praying for him. We doubt not it was a religious joy. This having may admit of a threefold interpretation. 4 Nov 2012 Diverse Church 1 Corinthians 12.12-20, 27-31; Matthew 10.1-8 David Ramanauskas. The fact transcends human reason, and therefore never could have been discovered by human reason, which can no more rise above itself than the eagle can outsoar the atmosphere in which it floats. The latter is, perhaps, better. There is no man serves God for nought who is a free and bountiful pay-master. Secondly, they lose that expediteness and facility of doing good, or of resisting evil. Compare 1Jo 5:3 and Joh … Thirdly, conference and holy communion. First, "That ye love not," etc. Sibbes.Love is in the heart, "the great commanding commandment, that commands all other duties whatsoever. The common investigation, prosecuted day by day, into natural facts and laws; the assurance of a common nobility of purpose, of a common liability to failure, of a common anxiety to pursue and proclaim fact — creates a feeling of brotherhood which traverses other differences, and is an enrichment of human life. (1) Divinely acceptable. You will hardly require of us to show you that this author participates in the sins of ether men. The great fact which is fundamental to the gospel, and animates the faith of the believer, is that "Jesus Christ is come in the flesh." (2) You are running terrible risk out of Christ. Vain thought! "(3) Take the most vigorous measures against spiritual loss.(W. "(3) Take the most vigorous measures against spiritual loss.(W. Exercise, watchfulness, and prayer. If salvation with the appurtenances of it had been in any other hands besides we had not been so sure of it. Elect in Christ Jesus is the full meaning, for the election of grace must not be separated from the means which bring it about. (5) The wrought work of the soul itself. (3) Don't expect that some day some extraordinary influence will be brought to bear upon you, and that you will be suddenly anxious for salvation.(G. God give us to be equally faithful under different and less arduous circumstances, that at the last we too may "receive the crown of life."(J. St. John before said, "that there were many deceivers entered into the world"; adds presently, "Look to yourselves," as a caution very fitly consequent upon that intimation; where there are cheaters and cutpurses in the crowd people have need to look to their pockets. Look to yourselves, that ye lose not those vivid and vigorous impressions of Divine truth, which marked the early part of your Christian career.3. "Look to yourselves," to see whether you are born again? H. Hopkins, B. I have but one answer to give. Salvation is not favouritism, but agreement. God is the God of all grace, but it is God in Christ; He is the channel of the grace of God unto us in all the several kinds and particulars of it wherein it is communicated. This reward was not temporal, and from them which he did not so much look at; but from God, a reward in heaven. At first he says, "Look to yourselves"; but he adds, "that we lose not the things which we have wrought." To bid the heretic God speed would be to give the weight of your authority to his heresy. "The duty of self-inspectionH. There he would expect to find that humbleness of mind, that holy walking, that devotedness of heart and life to God, and that active piety which so finely illustrate the gospel. But on all points of natural endowment the apostle is silent. (Scientific Illustrations. M. Gibbon.The man who comes to undermine men's faith in Christ is on an evil errand. Foster. While he is upon the sea he is in peril. First, this conveyance of all good to us in the covenant of grace and in the name of Christ, it is the safest and surest dispensation. We are now upon very good terms which we may rest upon. )The contagion of evil to be avoidedC. "They watch for your souls" (Hebrews 13:17). But he burned well. And surely the powerful forces of evil companionship, of frivolous or sceptical literature, of unwise self-indulgence, of excessive pleasure-seeking, acting daily, hourly, on the sensitive responsive spirit, will wear the soul and disfigure it. 2 John 1 The elder, To the lady chosen by God and to her children, whom I love in the truth—and not I only, but also all who know the truth— because of the truth, which lives in us and will be with us forever: Read verse in New International Version Everything tends to show that the "elect lady" was possessed of many embellishments such as society delights to recognise, and the worth of which the Apostle John would be the last to undervalue, and yet love for the truth is the only ground of affection which he acknowledges. Everything else, however valuable in connection with this, will be found vain without it. To look back upon your high privileges: you have been taught from your earliest days that you ought to be "born again"; you can recollect when God led you to know and see the way of reconciliation for your sin, and to find your peace in the righteousness of Christ your Saviour. What are you to examine? (3) Don't expect that some day some extraordinary influence will be brought to bear upon you, and that you will be suddenly anxious for salvation.(G. This reward was not temporal, and from them which he did not so much look at; but from God, a reward in heaven. What are we to understand by "the things which we have wrought"? But are we looking to ourselves?II. What is very painful in the conduct of the infidels, agnostics, and secularists of the day, is the effort they make to get young men together to their meetings.2. Alexander, D. D.)"Whosoever goeth onwardCambridge Bible for Schools.(R.V.) Those which are subject to very much hazard, they had need to take very much heed. His work is an "evil work." Are they still with you, or have they passed away? Look to yourselves that ye lose not the power and practical influence of the gospel upon your hearts and lives.6. In the natural world there are living creatures that have no vertebrae, and they consist of a soft gelatinous mass, very yielding and compressible. And thus we have the point in the several explications of it, wherein it holds good unto us, that he that transgresseth, that is, rejects the doctrine of Christ, he hath not God. The apostle, as he would not have them to frustrate his labours towards them, so neither their own labours to themselves. These words of St. John are, indeed, precisely parallel to what our Saviour says in regard of a prophet. How, then, can I speak evil of my King?" His soul cries out after a Living, a Personal, an Incarnate God. The ideal Christian life, according to this old apostle, is one in which the progress of the fancy in regard to religious truth or duty is restrained by the reins of a sanctified reason, in which all backwardness is for ever prevented by thorough religious earnestness. Lastly, practice and conscientious improvement. What a sad and bitter thought — "I have lost all.! The genuine evidence of affection is not profession, but obedience; not words, but deeds. Some would say that it matters not what our sons and daughters believe, so long as their character is good. That we lose not those things which we have wrought. A. This is so much the more grievous as it is the less thought of and expected; for these persons which we have now mentioned, they make a full account they have God whatever they have else. First, take it as to themselves, "that ye may receive a full reward." Yet all need to have their recollection revived and refreshed. Thirdly, add also hereunto the grievousness of the miscarriage. )Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ. This is true both in regard of the object of worship, as also in regard of the medium. And his heart might be full of those tender emotions which would express themselves in sacred admonitions and directions, which he designed to give to the pious family whom he was shortly to visit.1. We are, in all things, dependent on God. The ideal Christian life, according to this old apostle, is one in which the progress of the fancy in regard to religious truth or duty is restrained by the reins of a sanctified reason, in which all backwardness is for ever prevented by thorough religious earnestness. An artificial flower may strikingly resemble a natural one, but a nearer inspection will detect the difference. Looking after our own interest; looking after Number One! Therefore in the second place, let us make this use of the point, even to acknowledge Christ and His doctrine and the grace of God which is revealed in it. He expects that we will love Him, and that we will love one another, because, as John says, God is love. "Do not," you would say, "let your attention be distracted, or taken up by the things you see upon the road; do not let anything carry you out of your way, but 'look to yourself'; see that you are going right, see that you do not get betrayed into an unexpected snare, where you may lose yourself." Yet all need to have their recollection revived and refreshed. H. Hopkins, B. There was an imminent danger lest the children might pick up their shibboleth. Never mind about anybody else, at any rate till your own turn is served. That it avoids on the one hand presumptuous positiveness concerning everything, and on the other the faltering that turns religious conviction and obligation into matters for compromise, is in itself a sufficient, but far from the only, commendation. (2) You are running terrible risk out of Christ. B. Foster.This is a glorious subject! )Abide in the doctrine of ChristT. First, the labour of it; it is a painful work, and therefore is it so often in Scripture set forth by such an expression. What thoughts and feelings have you concerning Christ? Look to yourselves, that ye lose not the spirit of secret prayer, and proper seasons for attending to it. ; and secondly, in the affirmative, "But that we receive a full reward." Accordingly men compromise with obligation, hesitate in their allegiance to truth, and make a disposition to hang back, and a lack of thoroughness in opinion and in practice, the most prominent feature of their lives. Horton, D. D.The text itself consists of two general parts, a negative and an affirmative. It is also the course that should be adopted, the state of mind that is most defensible and helpful, in relation to the fluctuations of religious opinion and the controversies that periodically shake the kingdom of God. To plead personal temperament in excuse for the habit of over-eagerness or of backwardness, is to overlook the grace of God. There is no salvation out of Christ (Acts 4:12). Certain kinds make use and abuse of this resemblance to introduce themselves fraudulently into its nests, and to deposit their eggs therein. First, no knowledge of God without Christ, because it is He that manifests Him (Job 1:18). We doubt not it was a religious joy. There was an imminent danger lest the children might pick up their shibboleth. And though you may think that this, however clear an illustration of the partaking in the sins of other men, furnishes but little of practical lesson to yourselves, I would remind you that the author only does that in a higher degree that is done by any one in a lower, who gives bad advice or sanctions wrong principles. It is more than doubtful whether any Christian can get to know much about God, unless he be stirred by an ambition to know, or can make much progress in personal religion, unless he be taken possession of by the ambition to be made like his Saviour. The only way not to partake in other men 's sins is not here short of the blessedness heaven. More unto the perfect day. they watch for your salvation our Living in obedience to the truth, to... Sermon in written form when he offered up himself in sundry respects of self-interest is not live. 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