speedway toe gauge

I usually just put one down at a time then save two to place by his head when he is KO'd. [–]Here comes the BOOM!! Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Or else we'll just see normal and spread builds. Stop getting spoonfed … Technically, you don't need it at all, but one level makes it pretty trivial. Hello everyone, it's Thales Moustache here and today I'll show you the Best Shotgun Tank HBG Build! I use both LBG and HBG. Please take the time to use the search bar if you have a question. I can't get over the limited mobility of HBG... what do? If you don’t have normal shots, swap the boots for diablos nero and a free elem charm. RF Element and N2 feels super good, but those are a bit later in the game. I'm bowgun main with 2k+ missions ( and i enjoyed most of it)Every type of ammunition is a different playstyle and you need to craft specific bowguns to do so! Finally, Gulgoleth's Wail (Val Hazaak) will have you focus on spamming Slicing to the face then Spread 3 when it's knocked down. Block is simply more error proof, why make life more difficult? Self-promotion may be removed at the discretion of the moderators. Normal shots have an awkward range that's easy to wander out of during more aggressive hunts and if you decide to get in close why aren't you just using Spread then? Report Save. Normal 2 is the standard, but you can make a real fun spread 1 build too. I prefer LBG for Kirin but for everything else HBG. But I see far more Heavy Bowgun. “Toxicity” Will NOT Be Tolerated! 12 comments. Submissions that violate this rule will be removed. Best LBG and HBG after slicing nerf? )Dr_McWeazel 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (2 children). To put it simply (as in, as simply as possible) LBG is generally considered a more support oriented status afflicting weapon, whereas the HBG has traditionally been for … HBG has bigger oomph and it compares to LBG like Greatsword to Lance IMO. [–]DINGVS_KHAN 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children). I might switch it up to LBG when I farm some materials and find one with fun ammo but it's special ammo, while awesome when it works, doesn't feel as fun to use as the snipe. When you create an art submission, please post the following in the comments: Also please abide by the following: Lewd art featuring some of the more scandalous armors like the female Odogaron, Kirin, and Nergigante are permitted when tagged NSFW. Do you prefer the fire bowgun or fire bow? I tend to get caught and eventually cart. Keep in your critical range and you're gold. LBG isn't weak, I'm main LBG since launch and have no problem with anything. MHW - Nergigante ★8 Solo 3'48 (Insect Glaive) / ネルギガンテ ソロ 操虫棍 - Duration: 5 ... Solo Nergigante Abuse HBG (Spread 3) 2'41"45 [MHW] - … Doing so drastically reduces clutter on the subreddit's feed. But I still keep going back to LBG regardless. Yeah. Other pieces can be adapted. an miniature HBG? Not to say that everyone is the best with every weapon, but it can be really good if used properly. BaziIIions 2 years ago #3. This also includes posting topics that have been discussed in the past. LBG moves much more easily meaning the damage per hit is lower but much more consistent. The rare7 Kulve Glutton HBG shreds almost everything. Sticky and Slice have "infinite range" and can land from absurd distances even if the game is telling you it won't, so Bazel and Gulgoleth are pretty safe to play. 3. What kind of ammo do you focus on karma? A very interesting list, will definitely be checking it out. I've yet to be carted by Kirin / Tempered Kirin due to that crazy maneuverability. I haven't changed this loadout for quite some time now since it wrecks Pony anytime I use it. [–]happyness_ 2 points3 points4 points 2 years ago (15 children). [–]Here comes the BOOM!! Live streams are not allowed without the express permission of the moderation team via modmail (Clips of YOUR content are OK). Any LFG posts will be removed. I havent tried fire ammo on kirin but i did recently make the anja bow and powershots hit for about 45 avg each, which i feel is low? No no, not using Light Bowgun on Nergigante or Deviljho. Use Spread 2 then cycle to Spread 3 when the monster is downed. Fixed Xeno-Neqina +100 Raw to Master-Rank KT Bowguns for relevance; Version 1.39 . Plus it is good for slots! Else Weapon = Karma, [–]Aminar14 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (26 children). with the ammoUp skill … All LFG posts should be posted on /r/MonsterHunterClan, our partner subreddit, unless there is an event megathread that explicitly states that LFG is allowed inside that thread. [–]Hunting Horn_Drumheller_ 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children), [–]Aminar14 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). [–]Here comes the BOOM!! A surprise, to be sure, but a … It's likely it may have been asked before. I like farming Kirin with the HBG as my go to. I like having a seperate weapon for each elder dragon for the sake of variety. It on par with others before the nerf. LBG easy. HBG is great if you can hit the monster continually and keep it locked down like in the infamous 4 player bombardment videos when all are dropping the artillery shells all over it, but generally speaking you lose damage when it moves in and out of optimal range as random players most often have monsters moving all around the zone and HBG is slow to re-position. So what are the new best guns post slicing nerf? 9. HBG definitely wins in Pierce, Spread, and blowing stuff up with Sticky/Clust/Wyvern. One of top tanking builds for Behemot is HBG!-Deviljoe cluster /stiki build is really nice, but for top spread/pierce you need some KT rng weapons. Teostra: LBG Water RF, [–]fuzzyorange73 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). Like Diablos, Balzelgeuse, sometimes Odo and so on. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. will make you do some juicy damage but just remember to aim at the monsters week point. HBG are fun also especially spread shoot and cluster builds. [–]Puzzleboxed 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). If you were to create a build around this I would … Conversely, Spread & Slice barely get better with Attack Up so focus on Exploit and Max Might for crit. I have a specific loadout for the thunder pony. Yeah, there was always a weird zen flicking through half a dozen pages of statistics. Bazelguese Chibi Plush that I made (new version with improved wings and face! skylinefreek 2 years ago #1. Low effort content will be removed at Moderator discretion. Decos for normal shots, attack 4, minds eye, brace or a third maximum might, 2 trueshot, 2 convenience slots (lv1). Try that Nerg challenge in the arena (if it's still there). Wyvernblast is hard as hell to hit, since you cant place in advance due to the lightning fields. Taroth Blitz "Shot" if you have. It has a reputation for being one of the two fastest killtime weapons in the game. Rapid Fire Normal LBG is very mobile and … So I'll probably be keeping an eye out for bow guns with sleep on it, just need to figure out how many sleeps you can get a fight for each. If you are unsure, contact us mods before posting. Ah I see, my bad, 'from' then rather than 'for' but yeah I see what was possibly ment. Sorry, video is long :( but I hope this video becomes useful! Not mine, but this guy does pretty well with solo HBG on Kirin. Content of this nature will be removed by the moderators. (114 dps) (fyi An hbg seige shot takes.7 seconds to come out, and a rapid fire volley of 3 takes 1.5 seconds to come out) So on paper, the HBG clearly beats the lbg. In degrees of fun? Only tried rapid n2 so I haven't tried the other playstyles against kirin yet, looking for ones that are enjoyable to do so I'll experiment with your list a bit. If you’re deco rich, Kirin boots, damascus coil and chest, teo arms, eyepatch all beta. !™GundogPrime 6 points7 points8 points 2 years ago (27 children). I also run evade extender to help reposition since mobility with the HBG is limited and positioning is what it's all about when it comes to bow guns, especially solo. Posts failing to meet the above criteria will be removed at moderator discretion. For what it's worth, HBG needs either a shield, the world's best timing, or Earplugs in order to not get hit by Nergigante's divebomb. LBG. HBG does have a really long dodge, but that dodge can move you miles. Mines are amazing- use them! And yeah he doesn't play nice with wyvernfire mines. It usually has some pretty varied options as far as builds go as well. If not, Karma. Nerg: LBG spread 3, HBG Cluster Most people prefer to use Spread on HBG for the shield, but Rapidfire Spread is a ton of fun. It seems like there’s basically no reason to pick LBG over HBG now that much of the signature Monster Hunter clunkiness has been removed in World. On his past few streams, Tuna has been testing this LBG strat for clearing Arch Tempered Nergigante. It's...okay. !™GundogPrime 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (25 children). I've seen HBG being popular on the way 'through' the game, but in the endgame the LBG is much more commonly used. )Dr_McWeazel 2 points3 points4 points 2 years ago (1 child). I'm not much of a fan of the LBG, It feels lack luster than the HBG, but I like the explosive builds for the elders, since its almost like changing to cheezy mode. LBG works nicely on a support oriented setup, and HBG can pull some interesting explosives oriented setups, to make note of some possibly less optimal setups. I think they should buff element/ailment ammo a bit more. These are the ammo types I use against TEDs: Kirin: LBG N2 RF It has a rapid fire flaming ammo (4 shot in one go). Art Submissions Must Adhere to Specific Criteria. Those things take an eternity to put away. I spam slicing to pony's face and wash it with spread 3 when he's down. Violations of this rule will result in a temporary ban. It also comes with good stickies so you can stun and all the Hammerbros /GS users will love you. edit: I'm always wearing the Homare layer set that's why I always look the same even if I change load outs and doesn't take much time looking on the gears unless I have to change some. I usually went with as much armour as I could justify, two shoulder mounted miniguns and wrist mounted pile bunkers for getting up close and personal. I use karma lbg, impact mantle, and rotate between n2, sleep ammo, sticky and slicing. The mobility and status capability really gave me what I wanted over the HBG, despite HBG being my go-to in prior games. HBG feels more powerful in terms of raw damage, but LBG has generally higher mobility allowing it to be safer and have a good uptime on its damage. XD, [–]TheInnsmouthLook 4 points5 points6 points 2 years ago (3 children). Even quicker if you have apothecary mantle and get in a second sleep bomb. Unique skill choices etc? My go-to was twin full auto assault rifles and two shoulder mounted cannons that pretty much Insta-killed anything they hit. Cannot be used in conjunction with Speed Booster. Both ? One level of quick sheath is more than enough to get around nergi's divebombs. Shield mods. !Sharkytrs 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). [–]Dual BananasNerdtron93[S] 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (1 child). We do not allow unmarked Spoilers pertaining to story content in the title, body or comment section. !™GundogPrime 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (6 children). Common mods for LBG and HBG: Weight Booster Your shots pierce monsters more easily, increases KO and Exhaust damage. Ah man, I need another. A subreddit dedicated to the Monster Hunter series of video games, including things like merchandise, fan art, organizing hunts, and helping players. [–]DINGVS_KHAN 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (2 children). Rendered by PID 9019 on r2-app-037051e9087d7f986 at 2021-02-08 23:49:29.319850+00:00 running 43a5de6 country code: CZ. Edit...for the bowgun mod you can a combo of close range and reload or all close range if you can really keep the horse down most of the time. Aye, that's what I was saying that Lance is still far better, due to the sweeping size of their attacks. HBG is a bit more planned and has some heftier ammo, but LBG has mobility and has varied options for attack. Every Fatalis weapon is meta and usually BiS with the exeption of Dual Blades, Bow, Light bowgun and Heavy bowgun. in 10 seconds, the hbg will do 1257 damage (125.7 dps) in 10 seconds, the lbg will do 1140 damage. !™GundogPrime -1 points0 points1 point 2 years ago (2 children). The Deviljho HBG is good for Clust/Sticky bombardment too. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 9019 on r2-app-037051e9087d7f986 at 2021-02-08 23:49:29.319850+00:00 running 43a5de6 country code: CZ. [–]Light BowgunWaspbot 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). HBG can go wrong really fast if you don't space properly, while LBG does recover much quicker as it you can slide around after every shot. #5 Mixed Kulve Taroth armor fanart (art by me), Levi and Mikasa cosplays are too mainstream, 1.25k+ Quests with GL (Over 750 pre-Iceborne!). Sadly I really like LBG but it felt very lacking in terms of power. I can't remember the whole set since it went into several iterations but basically, the skills are weakness exploit 3, free elem/ammo up 3, attack boost 7, special ammo 2, critical eye 2, agitator 1 and spread/power shots. Posts that contain identifying info, including guesses at other party’s online/real ID’s, will also be removed and reported to reddit admins. LBG is pretty f***in' fun though. It might be worth getting the Xeno set bonus with it to reduce the amount of sticky you have to craft, but at that point it's just personal preference. Reward situation. I should probably start specifying LBG in my comments, lol. Why make a fight harder? Designing a mech that perfectly suits your play style or the particular needs of the mission. HBG is typically used for Spread 2/3, Pierce 2/3, or Cluster 2/3, with Pierce being the most situational (but still really effective in its niche.). Karma - This LBG is considered one of the most reliable LBG in game because of how effectively strong its rapid fire normal 2 rounds are and it's 30% affinity bonus which combined with maxed out weakness-exploit gem, armour, charm etc. Note - this is personal experience and I am probably, at best, average at this game. !™GundogPrime 2 points3 points4 points 2 years ago* (1 child). Self-Promotion that is thoughtful and well received, may be posted, as long as it is not excessive. ~~ Pizza Crew ~~ User Info: Water124. While we have no problem with disagreements/discussions, the following behavior will NOT be tolerated: Insults, inciting pointless arguments, trolling, hate speech, sexist remarks, discrimination, witch hunts against other members, etc. Uncivil/toxic behavior of any kind will be removed at moderator discretion. [–]Walk the path of explosions with me! These are the ammo types I use against TEDs: Kirin: LBG N2 RF Nerg: LBG spread 3, HBG Cluster Kushala: HBG Pierce, HBG Cluster Vaal: HBG Cluster Teostra: LBG Water RF. with the ammoUp skill and sticky bomb it's face for days. But I want to see which one people prefer for kirin, and possibly any starter builds or choices (the tree for guns is a nightmare and something I don't enjoy browsing). © 2021 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Rarely graceful but I get the job done. [–]jaypeeo 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (1 child). The Glavenus Heavybowgun start off with 435 Base Damage, Paralysis Level 2 and cover all three level of Sticky, Piercing and Normal. You'll easily kill kirin within 15 min. [–]DINGVS_KHAN 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). Tempered pony is one of my favorites to kill now. I use Teo's Flames (I think that's what it's called?) I really do enjoy cluster, it's just too bad you can't carry that many of them. We're seeing very different groups of players then. level 1. We quickly agreed it was a bullshit build since it basically meant whoever landed the first shot won, and we agreed to not use it anymore. [–]Aminar14 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (1 child). Spread shot feels the best. They are slow but you can use shield mod block most powerfull attacks. [–]Hunting Horn_Drumheller_ 4 points5 points6 points 2 years ago (28 children). but those conditions are so infrequent unless you are taking a specific 4 player team build. Yeah mines are insane damage and fun as hell to land, really difficult to actually hit kirin with, so I might even go into a sleep assist LBG to help with that, sleeping whenever all three are up. LBG also does better with elemental & Normal 2 via Rapid Fire though it can make use of Pierce 2 and Spread 2/3 with some good effectiveness. My Kirin load out is mainly just focused on making sure I can tank a lightning bolt in the event something goes horribly wrong. Jyura comes with Sleep 1 & 2 so I got him to fall asleep twice without really trying. Specially kirin, and since stickies are the main go to until its KO/tripped, you can be wherever the lightning isn't as there is no crit distance to think about. Mods are allowed to be discussed and links are allowed to be posted. Be Respectful. If you really feel the need to dodge though slotting a couple ranks of Evade Extender will make one dodge roll with the HBG out plenty for getting out of the way of most attacks. !™GundogPrime 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (4 children). 9 per clip... 9 per clip... what is this?.. It also has wyvernheart as the special ammo so it's still useful against Kirin unlike wyvern snipe where you need a meatier monster to take advantage of it. Previously I farm tempered kirin with the greatsword, but I've found greatsword is just my preferred weapon on Teostra. But the HBG is so big and slows you down. [–]chinmi 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (2 children). (I prefer LBG, but people don't seem to. For Monster Hunter: World on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "LBG or HBG". Having to get so close means you need to be twitchy about Kirin's lightning strikes and the timer imposed by the Impact Mantle created this amazing Risk vs. Both you and your partner using LBGs. [–]Here comes the BOOM!! Bring materials to craft extra ammo and make a monster's face light up like it's the 4th of July. [–]longlivedundead 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago* (0 children). Nerg helm, dante legs suit the build well just take some swaps. For Kirin I use the Rathalos LBG and just plaster them with fire / slicing etc. Minds Eye / Ballistics can be useful but isn't vital. !™GundogPrime 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (1 child), [–]1.25k+ Quests with GL (Over 750 pre-Iceborne! I see almost no LBG's other than my own. [–]Here comes the BOOM!! Speed Booster Increases bullet velocity, extending range and critical distance. HBG is one of the strongest weapons in the game. HBG feels more powerful in terms of raw damage, but LBG has generally higher mobility allowing it to be safer and have a good uptime on its damage. It was an absolute rush. Great reload, recoil, capacity, and damage this gun will mow down any monster in the game with ease. Staggers, KOs, lots of “free” damage, hence the damascus gear for focus. You don't need to dodge if you can block the hit. )Dr_McWeazel 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (1 child). Block simply gives you a defensive mechanic to counter an offensive mechanic... [–]DINGVS_KHAN 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (6 children). I have wanted to use deviljho for the sleep, but I just cannot stand deviation. Or Nergigante or Deviljho.But pretty much yeah. However, topics related to cheating/breaking the game's code may be removed upon moderator discretion. I think they were talking about the LBG for Nerg and pickle rather than the monsters themselves. In previous games, both bow and lbg are more mobile options to hbg: lbg can dish out dmg faster because it doesn't need to charge their shots. For split screen PvP with my buddy, we substituted the ARs for bazookas. LBG have great mobility and with specyfic elemental or sticki build every monster could be easy.-You can craft 2x lunastra weapons ( styx and blaze?) No posting of pornographic material. I had a similar experience, using Karma vs Kirin and missing about 1/4 of the time. I'm using the Devil's Madness LBG with 2 attack augments. [–]??? [–]Light BowgunAccipiter_ 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children). Multiple violations will result in a temporary/permanent ban (depending on severity). So guys i want to try something new, and i dont want waste resources on one of them and then regret later.. so ny question is, which of the is more viable, powerfull and fun to play? I'd still say that if built right Karma is way ahead of any other standard LBG's though, with a Normal Shot build, and Blitz is further ahead for pure damage (less status use). They're for people who enjoy Armoured Core. You'd also be surprised how often the shots just freaking miss due to travel time. [–]MagicHamsta 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children), [–]Dual BananasNerdtron93[S] 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (40 children). MHW: Folcan [HR 200+] MH4U / MHGen: Folcan [HR 800 / 500] User Info: BaziIIions. [–]1.25k+ Quests with GL (Over 750 pre-Iceborne! Not something to be proud of I know, but after 3 failed hunts I finally slayed this stupid horse. User Info: ma20192003. Please do not create spam posts/comments. ?ChefsSaltyBa11s 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children), In my team I usually use a lot of status ammo, [–]Light BowgunAccipiter_ 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (2 children). Other than that, for kirin, use a fire element bow, or a crit draw fire gs. Same with DJho due to his immense swipe width, the Lance is just far easier. Kirin i use karma LBG, but LBG has mobility and status capability really gave me i. Lance IMO far easier good stickies so you can use shield mod block most powerfull attacks point2. To Spread 3 when the monster is downed on LBG for clearing Arch tempered Nergigante like it 's lbg or hbg mhw reddit... The LBG will do 1140 damage 's the 4th of July with Impact mantle better before you even in... Have no problem with anything and links are allowed to be proud of i know, LBG! Probably ) using the Light Bowguns built from Nergigante or Deviljho parts as to. Quite some time now since it wrecks pony anytime i use karma LBG, Impact mantle, and elem... Crit so focus on karma Daora legs can give it to you,! Best, average at this game farm tempered Kirin with the HBG is one of the two fastest weapons! 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